Scene 2

The second key scene we chose starts at page 97 line 1 when Christopher reads the first letter from his mother that he had never got because his father didn’t tell him about them.
How would Christopher have reacted if he was a normal boy? We decided not to give a quotation because we do not agree with his thoughts about the letter so we start directly in line 10 on page 98.

…I was completely shocked! Not only was my mother still alive, she has also written letters to me. But why didn’t father tell me about the letters? I always thought we would tell us everything but then I saw that there are secrets between us and it destroyed my view of everything. Now I had two possibilities how to act: the first was running to father to have a really big dispute with him or trying to find out where mother was and talk to her or send her a letter to reconstruct our line. I decided to write a letter because father had hidden the letters from me so he did not want me to read them and I can imagine that he would not tell me more and maybe he would be really angry. So I started to write a letter, which was like this:

Swindon, 15th November

Hello Mum,
It’s really difficult for me to write this letter because I do not really know what I want to say or ask or what I should think about the whole situation. I just found all the letters you have written to me in father’s cupboard, he has never shown them to me. He always told me, you were dead but now I know that you are still alive. I have always loved you and I would have answered if I had got the letters. I don’t want you to be sad. I want to meet you again and get known to you if you want to. We still live in Swindon, in the same house so you can visit us, which would make me very happy. Or just write a letter or call me.
I want to have my mother back and I hope you did not forget me.
In big love hugs and kisses